Saturday, January 29, 2011

How many lies can Kurt Damrow tell?

Well the answer to that question is limitless. However, a more important question is just how much of a drone or a “Stepford wife” do you have to be, to continue to believe ANYTHING this man says?

A lot of his support comes from the families of military personnel. I say the families of military personnel as “actual” military personnel either current or former, would know enough about the military to see right through these lies. It is a shame that this man disgraces the men and women who have served our country in the military by making these false claims all for the sake of a little publicity.

The facts:

Kurt Damrow was never on active duty in any branch of the military.
Kurt Damrow never fought for our country in any branch of the military.
Kurt Damrow who claims to be a veteran doesn’t even know how to properly put on a military uniform.
Kurt Damrow claimed to be a life long resident of Huron County, yet in another venue claimed to have lived in California, and in another venue claimed to have lived in Macomb County Michigan.

I have a question, if an individual who is a member of the Air National Guard, playing soldier one weekend a month and a couple of weeks during the Summer, and this person goes out drinking and gets in a car accident. Then he claims to be injured so that he can claim disability, does this actually make that person a “disabled veteran”?

Having never served in the military, I have a problem with that description. I believe that Kurt Damrow’s claims are an absolute insult to the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have become disabled as a direct result of service to their country.

After having abandoned his first wife and her child, Kurt Damrow now wants to “play daddy” for the sake of publicity in a political career despite the fact that he only met this child and his curent wife, less than 2 years ago. Now that his current wife’s sorted past has caught up with her in Huron County Circuit Court, he is making false accusations against the child’s real father, claiming child abuse! What type of charlatan would willfully manipulate a 4 year old child into believing that he is his father and use this innocent child as a pawn for publicity in politics? More importantly, what type of woman could actually call herself a mother while willfully participating in this disgraceful form of child abuse? I will make a prediction, when Kurt Damrow shamefully leaves office, which should be after the November 2012 elections, that is, IF the Repbulican Party doesn't cut ties with him prior to the general election, this sham of a marriage will end shortly thereafter.

Now, Kurt Damrow is in Lansing and taking credit for every positive thing that the entire lot of State Representatives is attempting to accomplish. I have news for Mr. Damrow, your peers in Lansing are not as gullible as your dwindling list of supporters in the 84th District and they won't appreciate you exagerating your limited accomplishments or the disgrace that the actions of you and your wife are bringing to the position that you hold. Hence, when you are in a position to do something positive for the 84th District, you won't have the support of your peers. I for one, can't wait for the next election.


  1. Whoever you are posting this, you have not walked in Kurt Damrow or Kim Damrow's shoes....Seems you should try to find something POSITIVE to do in life, rather than trying to hurt YOUR elected official, his wife, and their child. You do NOT have all the information in this case, so I suggest that you butt out of people's personal business, UNLESS you are going to HELP them, and remain POSITIVE and PROACTIVE. You should know that this life is too short to waste time and effort, and that is all you are doing. Whether Kurt gets elected in 2012 is not the issue, the real issue is that this 4 year old is being abused and mistreated by a man who is a stranger (Dustin N.) to this boy. Seems like you are a jealous person. Get some counseling. Suggest you get on your knees and pray to God for forgiveness, for the Holy Spirit to fill your heart, and Jesus Christ to help you make amends.

  2. A man or woman of integrity will at least sign their name or reveal their email account name, or something....Show yourself for who you are--- Is this Ed? If so, why don't you get a part-time job helping people, instead of trying to bash others? May God guide you and bless you on to a kinder path.

  3. Careful careful...this is so slanderous that you know a lawsuit is coming. I would think that you would verify the foolish remarks, oh lets call them for what the are LIES before you try and hurt a man and his family. Vote for Terry next time, he will get your solar roads to the New World Order. WOW you all have a screw loose. Don't like the man that is fighting for your county you would rather live in a dream world with the "nice" guy.
