Saturday, January 29, 2011

Damrow Jailed

In regards to the Huron Daily Tribune article on January 29th regarding Kim Damrow, wife of 84th District State Rep. Kurt E. Damrow being jailed.

I can’t believe Judge Knoblock let her out. How convenient that the child took sick just hours after her incarceration. It sure does appear Kurt Damrow is trying to manipulate the justice system. Judge Knoblock needs to make an example out of Kim Damrow and a mere 12 hours is not sufficient justice.

Mrs. Damrow claims she is fearful for her child being abused, when in actuality she is the one who has been abusing this child since she met Kurt Damrow less than 2 years ago. What kind of mother would promote the child to call a step father, “Daddy” anyway? They just got married last May, and for the sole purpose that he could have a wife and child for appearances during the election.

Kurt seems to forget that after his ex-wife (the first Mrs. Damrow) got pregnant, he divorced her. He never paid a single cent in child support. He abandoned his wife and left her to raise the child as a single mother.

I found it interesting that the Damrows hired an attorney from Grosse Pointe, so much for giving back and encouraging prosperity within the community that elected him.

1 comment:

  1. Another slanderous zinger. Who ever the author is appears to have a fictional background. I find it hard to believe that the monster author lived with the couple and the children years ago. Unless I am wrong it would be foolish to think that a MAN that admits to the abuse, a man that has mental health records for an untreated and dangerous mental health condition, a man that left two children, well lets just say that MAN admits to the abuse. You know more than Mr Noworyta and Mrs Damrow? You know more than the children? You want slander a mother for trying to protect her child? I feel that anyone that is more concerned about politics than a child is about the lowest form of dirt alive. Also why would Mr Damrow pay child support for a child that is not his? I hope that Mrs Damrow and the former Mrs Damrow file a lawsuit against you.
